Sunday, February 5, 2012

New Orleans Wizard World Wrap-Up!

I slept last night, and let me tell you it was awesome.

Hadn't really done enough of it lately!  Most'a this past week I put in overtime at my day job, making up for missing last Friday because all last weekend was convention time!

New Orleans!  The Big Easy!  NOLA!  It was my first time in the town, and I must be honest, I wasn't mentally prepared for the party it proved to be.  Normally we'll roll in, have a nice dinner someplace near the hotel, and spend the rest of the evenings hanging around in the hotel lobby and drawing on this or that.  This is not what happens in N'Awlins.

What happens in N'Awlins is, you roll into a restaurant like Mulate's filled with live music and dance, and you're presented with the best food and drink you can ever remember tasting.  Perhaps you partake in a little more to verify that yes, yes indeed, it is the best.  Perhaps a few members of your writing staff get in on the music. Perhaps a few other members might decide they want some beignets, and you find yourself following them down Bourbon Street in the middle of the night to find some and yes, it turns out that they ARE that wonderful.  That's New Orleans.  It's an overwhelming feast that makes you want even more, and somehow when you go for more it gets even better.

Next year I come armed with this knowledge.  Either I'll stick to the hotel like my life depends on it, or I'll just plan not to work after dark :D

Anyways -- The show!  What'd we do while we were there?

We released Dead Beats #1, written by Rob Bass and drawn by Johnny Segura III:

Mr. Segura, meanwhile, also got to debut his dangerously cool new 89-page sketchbook!  What you get is right there in the title!

Writer Rob Bass saw the release of his collection of short stories, MASSIVE HEART ATTACK:

And Matt Campbell's Mythica #1, a collected edition of his lauded webcomic, talked about the world over!

And wonders never cease -- Rob Bass and Seth Humble saw the debut of CAPETOWN, featuring artwork by the amazing artist and all-around great guy Tommy Phillips!

So many zombies!

Previews of Deat Beats and CapeTown are available on our website along with previews of several of our other current titles.  Be sure to check 'em out!

Here are a few photos from the trip, most of which I swiped from CCP's Facebook fan-page. I'm assuming that's alright...

Busy times!

Dinner at Mulate's!  Pictured from the left: Matt Campbell, Rob Bass, Seth Humble [almost], Sam Lotfi, Jonathan Thibodeux, Ryan Alexander, Vo Nguyen, and Chris Beaver

Awesome associates Greg & Kristy Harms and Luke Donkersloot!

Matt Campbell, hooking up a fan with one of several exclusives he pulls together for the show!

At the end of the show we corralled everyone we could into a group photo.  Not pictured: Greg Harms & Matt Campbell
All in a all, GREAT times had -- Thanks to Wizard for hosting the event!  Looking forward to next year's..  In the meantime, stay tuned; our next show is coming up quick :)

Take care,

1 comment:

  1. I love CCP comics! Best bunch of people ever!


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